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ACCA/CF Recognizes 2023 Apprentice Graduates and Advancers

The Air Conditioning Contractors Association of Central Florida (ACCA/CF) recognized their 2023 apprenticeship program graduates and advancers during a breakfast ceremony on May 13, 2023, at the Altamonte Hilton in Altamonte, Florida.

Over 150 students, family members, contractors and guests attended the event in support of the advancers from 1st to 2nd and 2nd to 3rd year classes and the 3rd-year graduates.

3rd year Longwood Campus graduates with Instructor Andy Brunkala (r.)

Following breakfast, guest speaker Ed Janowiak, ACCA Manager of HVAC Design Education, addressed the students and attendees.

‘I do a lot of cool things in my job but nothing can surpass this,” Ed began. “This is a really big deal and I hope all of you, 1st-year, 2nd-year and 3rd-year graduates, and those around you, understand how big a deal this is. It’s a big honor for me to be invited to do this. I’m jealous of each of you because I never went through a formal program like you have. I was fortunate to have worked for employers that valued education but the learning was a hand’s-on, unorganized experience.”

“When you finish your training here,” Ed continued, “it’s always going to be in your best interest to continue to get better. Be sure that you give back to the industry. One thing I’ve discovered is that people generally aren’t comfortable teaching or speaking in front of others. But when given a topic that they’re passionate about, they tend to open up and it becomes easy to do. Take pride in what you do, there aren’t many people that can do what you do and do it well.”

Instructor Ellen Logue with 2022/23 Chris Bright Apprentice of the Year Award recipient Daniel Copley

Ed concluded by congratulating the students again and emphasizing what a special program they’re a part of. “I travel all around the country and will be using this event as an example of what can and should be happening throughout the industry.”

Instructor Brett Bowers (l.) with 3rd Year West Campus graduates

ACCA/CF Executive Director Paula Huband recognized the program instructors before introducing the individual students who were recognized as they received their certificates.  This year’s instructors are Andy Brunkala, Tony Duncan, Ellen Logue, Ray Pearce, John Nazarchyk, Brett Bowers, Mark Wesson, Don Shehane and Bryan Caldwell.

Special recognition was given to the students with the highest grade point average and perfect attendance in each class.

Daniel Copley was presented the 2022/23 Chris Bright Apprentice of the Year Award and Timothy Pelkey was recognized as the recipient of the 2022/23 Gary MacLeod Achievement Award, Always Striving for Success, concluding the ceremonies.

Instructor Ellen Logue, 2022/23 Gary MacLeod Achievement Award recipient Timothy Pelkey and Instructor Tony Duncan

The following sponsors were recognized for their support of the Association and the Apprenticeship Program: Apprentice of the Year gauge sponsor Johnstone Supply the Ware Group, gauge sponsors Blacks Supply, CE and York, and Tropic Supply for donating a $50 gift card to each 3rd year graduate. Additional sponsors: Energy Air, Greens Energy, AirFlow Designs, Ferran, Wesson Air, Prestige AC, Trane, Schwenn Services, Rinaldis, AitTech, Ambrose Air, Service One, Reliable Services Group, Omni Resource Group, IdeaGirl Solutions, Orange Technical Center and Career Source.

The ACCA/CF Apprenticeship Committee is excited to KICK-OFF the 2023/24 Fall Apprenticeship program with a pre-registration introductory meeting on June 15, 2023 from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the Maitland Civic Center in Maitland, FL. Information on the ACCA CF Apprenticeship Program can be found HERE.  Please contact Executive Director Paula C. Huband at 407.260.2206 if you have any questions.

View and download photos of the graduation HERE.

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