AmRad Engineering showcased their innovative, patent-pending motor-run capacitor Compressor Protector Terminal (CPT) at the AHR Expo in Orlando.

The CPT is a separate terminal on the motor-run capacitor, designed specifically as the attachment point for all hard-start kits currently available on the market, including the Turbo Easy-Start “5”. During research, AmRad engineers saw that hard-start kits have enough capacitance to start the compressor without the motor-run capacitor attached. Hard-start kits are connected directly to the very terminals the compressors are attached to. In the event of capacitor failure, the capacitor’s terminals act as a terminal block, and the hard-start kit is STILL directly connected to the compressor. The compressor will restart every time the thermostat requests it, but without the motor-run capacitor in the circuit. Compressors are NOT designed to run without the motor-run capacitor, will quickly overheat causing refrigerant pressures to increase significantly and will be quickly damaged when run in that manner. The CPT breaks this connection, separating the hard-start kit from the compressor and preventing the hard-start kit from damaging the compressor. There are currently no similar products on the market.
AmRad Engineering backs up their cutting-edge products with a 5 year, no questions asked, warranty and a unique twist to customer service. They offer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, live factory support. Every product label has two phone numbers for contractors to call if they have a question. “The weekend number is my cell phone and I’m always happy to speak to service technicians”, said Vice President Richard Stockman.
For more information visit or call 800-445-6033. Proud of their “Made-in-America” heritage, the company declares “We offer factory tours and you don’t need a passport to visit!”
AmRad capacitors and Turbo products are distributed to the U.S. HVAC service industry exclusively by master distributor Global The Source.