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Arco Supply Celebrates 45th Anniversary

Arturo Jr, Ani, Cecilia, Julia & Arturo Alba Sr & Luisa McDonald of Arco Supply Inc.

Arco Supply, Inc., located at 715 Barnett Drive in Lake Worth Beach, FL commemorated their 45th Anniversary on April 18, 2024, with a Cuban style pig roast for their customers and friends. Over 250 people joined Arco Supply President and founder Arturo Alba Sr., the Alba family and employees for the celebration, enjoying the succulent pork, rice and black beans, yucca and an array of desserts.

Born in 1942 in Guantanamo, Cuba, Arturo Alba Sr. came to the United States after graduating high school. At the time, Castro had already come to power and Arturo knew he would most likely never return to his homeland. He flew from Cuba to New Orleans and studied mechanical engineering at the University of Southwest Louisiana. After graduating in 1966, Arturo made his way to Florida and worked for The Quaker Oats Company, which used to have a plant in Belle Glade, a small farming town in western Palm Beach county.

Soon after, Arturo became interested in the air conditioning industry through a family member. Arco Supply, Inc. opened its doors on April 19, 1979, with two employees and a borrowed pick-up truck. Since then, the company has grown considerably and is still family-owned and operated.

Arco Supply, Inc. has expanded several times over the years, acquiring adjacent spaces in the building which they now occupy exclusively. They operate three large box trucks which deliver north into Martin County and to Broward County southwards. They also ship to the Caribbean! The company has embraced technology to streamline operations but has continued to maintain that “old school” feel.

Jonathan Torres, Tory Orr, John Lee, Nicole Wing, Gilberto Olascoaga & Arturo Alba Jr of Arco Supply Inc.

Arturo Sr. recently celebrated his 81st birthday and still joins his son Arturo Jr. and daughters Ani and Cecilia daily at the business to manage daily operations. “He loves being at the office and enjoys interacting with customers… some who have been buying from Arco since we opened our doors,” stated Ani. “While at the Anniversary celebration, one of our manufacturer reps shared that my dad gave her dad his first ever line of credit in the early 80s and has always been very appreciative of my dad’s kindness. We love to hear stories like that and appreciate strong generational business bonds and friendships.”

Arturo Jr., now Vice-President of Arco Supply, echoed his sister’s comments. “This is a relationship business and we’ve embraced a culture of learning who our customers and vendors are and what their needs are. We’re fortunate to have employees with 20 and 30 years of experience with us that help introduce and reinforce our way of doing things.”

The Arco Supply dedication of caring goes beyond immediate business needs. The company has always been involved with the Palm Beach Air Conditioning Contractors Association and numerous local and national charities.

Visit the Arco Supply, Inc. website at or call 561.586.3331 to reach the friendly Arco Supply team.

Visit and search for 2024 05 Arco Supply 45th to view and download photos.


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