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12:30 am, September 8, 2024
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CASPR Group Launches Innovative Blu Tile Product as the Most Effective and Easiest Way to Maintain Air and Surface Disinfection Solution

Industry innovator CASPR Group is literally raising the roof on air and surface disinfection with the introduction of CASPR Blu Tile. This innovative new product offers game-changing simplicity to building managers, owners and HVAC engineers.

CASPR means Continuous Air & Surface Pathogen Reduction, and the introduction of the Blu Tile is representative of the innovative solutions the company has always offered. CASPR’s patent-pending technology converts oxygen and moisture in the air into low but effective levels of hydrogen peroxide, which are dispersed continuously throughout a building, reducing pathogens in the air and on surfaces. This unique technology produces no ozone and is safe for everyone.

“CASPR was founded as a disinfection technology provider for the medical industry,” explained Founder and Chief Scientist Dr. Christophe Suchy. “Now, environmental safety is a key concern for everyone. We are thrilled to make this proprietary pathogen reduction solution available to all businesses.”

CASPR has worked with building managers across the country to determine their needs, and they shared an interest in a disinfection solution that offered both ease of installation and low-to-no maintenance. CASPR Blu Tile can be installed in any tiled ceiling and is suited for all indoor areas where people live or work. The clean, contemporary design aesthetic makes the solution attractive as well.

CASPR’s unique technology is effective on bacteria, mold and viruses, including the SARS-COV-19 virus. University studies have shown up to a 99.96% kill rate on surfaces. In addition, the CASPR Blu Tile is effective against odors and VOCs.

“CASPR Blu Tile will be a game-changer for business owners and building operators,” said CASPR CEO Scott Wheeler. “The ease of installation and minimal maintenance makes it a perfect solution for businesses, restaurants, hotels and even nursing homes.”

The ease of maintenance makes CASPR Blu Tile stand out among all available products. The Blu Tile uses photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) to turn oxygen and ambient moisture into safe levels of gaseous hydrogen peroxide that disinfect the air and surfaces. Once installed, it will run continuously. The CASPR Blu Tile is easily maintained via a convenient door to access essential parts. The PCO cell in the unit must be replaced every two years for optimal performance.

About CASPR Group
CASPR Group is on a mission to make the world indoors a better place. As the leader in smart environmental indoor technology, our solutions work to ensure the indoor air we breathe is the healthiest it can be. Our award-winning continuous disinfection technology based on photocatalysis creates safe levels of hydrogen peroxide to attack viruses, bacteria, and mold at the molecular level. The innovative technology is completely automated and does not require an operator to work. The company is based in Addison, Texas. To learn more, visit

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