Informing & Supporting
Conditioning Air Professionals & the Industry
Tampa, US
10:21 pm, September 7, 2024
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HVAC System Boosts BEV Range 70%, College Claims

British university team file patents for its e-Thermal bank designed to create secondary energy source to cope with extreme temperature effects on battery-electric-vehicle range.

Researchers at a U.K. university claim they can extend the range of battery-electric vehicles by a whopping 70% using the cars’ air-conditioning system powered by microwaves.

The team from the University of Birmingham, in the Midlands of England, are developing an energy storage system to boost BEV driving range during hot or cold weather when the vehicle’s climate control system is consuming enough electric energy to cut the working range by up to 40%.   Read more

In the Spotlight

FRACCA RSA Legislative Wrap Up

From the Director: Representatives of RSA Consulting Group, LLC, will soon be traveling around the state providing Florida Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Contractors Association (FRACCA) affiliated chapters a 2024 legislative wrap up. I encourage you to attend one of these sessions to learn details not covered in the official release. You do not have to be a member to attend.

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Conditioning Air Professionals
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