Cotney Construction Lobbying is pleased to announce that Clayton Osteen continues to advocate for the HVAC industry by serving as a lobbyist for the Florida Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Contractors Association (FRACCA).
Clayton Osteen is committed to promoting FRACCA’s agenda and ensuring that the collective voice of the industry is being heard. As FRACCA’s lobbyist, Clayton tracks bills that could potentially impact the association and its members. He also drafts legislative reports on a regular basis to keep FRACCA members updated on various legislative issues. Clayton serves as a liaison between FRACCA and local, state and national agencies, boards, governing bodies and political subdivisions.
“Proud to be involved in the HVAC industry by advocating for the best interests of FRACCA’s members before executive agencies,” stated Clayton Osteen.
Cotney Construction Lobbying’s team is backed up by seven additional lobbyists including Trent Cotney, who has advocated for the construction industry since 1999. Cotney Construction Lobbying provides comprehensive lobbying and government advocacy services for construction firms, associations, contractors, manufacturers, and suppliers. It also supports contractors in the development of effective bid packages to successfully secure government projects.
To learn more about Cotney Construction Lobbying, please visit our website at or call (844) 243-5021.
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